People's status updates that are regarding something of absolutely no significance. Like, should I shave my beard, or I'm thinking of wearing this new dress from blah blah blah. Or, OMG my coffee this morning from Starbucks didn't taste quite as good as it normally does. Basically any kind of whining on FB is grounds for a beatdown, honestly.
It also bothers me when people who have hundreds and hundreds of friends in many different locations post status updates about something related only to their immediate area. Although, I do have a little more patience for that, because sometimes they're reacting to something immediate. So I get that.
It REALLY bothers me when people post about some wonderful thing that they've experienced at an event somewhere, particularly as it relates to IHOP. I have to be honest. I'm really sick and tired of being made to feel like I'm somehow missing out on the greatest move of the Lord in our generation because I'm not flat on my face 10+ hours of every day at the prayer room. This is probably a topic for a whole other post, but it really has gotten under my skin to the extent where I see someone mention that they're going to IHOP, or the prayer room, or the One Thing conference, or any other such thing, and I automatically react negatively to it. Ok, yeah, that's another post.
I also want a dislike button for status jumpers. For example, someone will post a status, friends will comment, and there will be a thread of comments. Then, 25 comments down, someone will jump in with a comment COMPLETELY unrelated to the entire thread. Grrrr...