Woke up at 6:45 to get ready to go play basketball. For most of you, you won't remember how much I used to play ball. While I was still living in Canada back in the 90s, I played ball as much as I could. Literally. I was never amazing, but pretty good and consistent. When I moved to the States, I got so busy with music that I didn't have much time to play any more. The occasional game with Island Breeze boys, just quick short shoot-arounds. I missed it. Fast forward to now. Tyler Simpson tells me he's got a game every Wednesday morning with some friends. I'm in. I hadn't bought a pair of basketball shoes in over 12 years until 2 weeks ago. He picks me up, we head over, and we play from 8-10am.
Man, it felt great. I was dog-tired, and I was easily the worst player on the court, but we ran a lot, I handled the ball well, passed well, and shot poorly. I was expecting a poorly grade on everything, honestly, accompanied by throwing up my lung on the bench. It was a good set of games, and it was a great feeling. I'm looking forward to getting more and more game time, perhaps even trying to find another game on a different day. We'll see. Baby steps.
After that, I got home and rolled around on the floor with my 5 kids. Such a gift, even just that. I got to play Lego Pirates of the Caribbean with Trevan for a while, and we even got True Pirate on one level. Very difficult to do. Few people can.
Cilla and I decided to take the kids to Thai House for lunch, which was (as always) amazing. Cahira, our brave adventurer and food connoisseur, decided on Tom Yum seafood soup. Not too hot, but spicy. She rocks my world. The other 4 kids had chicken satay, which they loved as well. Cilla had Panang Curry with chicken, and I had Massaman Curry. We both ordered ours hot. Even Vanden had a blast, munching down his satay and rice. The staff there were so super nice, and the food has consistently been amazing, after 10+ times there.
After lunch, we headed over to Freedom Park, just by the Grandview Courthouse. Cilla dropped the 4 older kids and I off there, and took Vanden home to nap. We played for a while on the swings, then walked over to Buel McDonald's house and hung out with him while he played with his 140lb English Mastiff, Angel. Great dog. Cilla and Vanden showed up, and we all took off for home. Did a bit of cleaning up, and at 6:30 Joe showed up to babysit for us. He's a member of our family, and lived with us for almost 2 years as well, so the kids all know and love him so much. We gave the kiddos some mac & cheese, and headed out the door for my birthday dinner.
We had purchased a couple of groupons to a place called Edokko, a Japanese restaurant and sushi garden. What a great place!! We love Edokko, and have loved it for about 3 years now.
We had Black Dragon Roll, Geisha Roll, Spicy Yellowtail Roll, Spicy Tuna Roll, and Spicy Salmon Roll. Great, great sushi. At least for the midwest.
Also, we ordered an appetizer of Kobe beef. Neither Cilla or I had ever had it before. My life literally changed tonight. I've never eaten anything in my life quite as incredible as Kobe beef. Unbelief.
Anyways, we also split a large hot sake. IMPORTANT NOTE - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EAT ANY FOOD OF JAPANESE ORIGIN WITHOUT AN ORDER OF HOT SAKE. Just sayin. Sushi, Hibachi, Kobe, whatever. Drink Hot Sake. Trust me, you'll thank me.
After dinner we headed over to Starbucks on Stateline, because (inexplicably) Dunn Bros on Holmes was closed (FAIL). Sat in big leather comfy chairs and just drank coffee and talked. Intelligent adult conversation with no interruptions and no diapers. Amazing.
Then we headed back home, about 9:30 or 10. Joe had put all the kids to bed except Cahira, which is impossible to do before midnight anyways, so I gave him a ride home.
My legs are sore from b-ball, my stomach is full from a plethora of amazing food, and my heart is full from one of the best birthdays in my memory. Of course, my memory is due to start declining next year. Maybe that's why I'm feeling to write all this down. Haha!
It WAS a great day!